viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

Activity 1. Reading and Listening





BOGOTA, DC May 01, 2015

Autonomous  Work

Individually and in your E-portfolio exclusively, you will show the evidence of the following exercises.

4. Open your Market Leader book on page 8, then listen to the CD and do exercise A, B and C.

a)        Enables the target consumer to decide if they want the product o r not
b)        The function is to make the selection of products to hit the market knows the needs of the people and that is what will work best on the market
c)         Update their technology and know how to handle the competition

5. Open your Market Leader book on page 16, then listen to the CD and do exercise A, B and C

a)        Location of hotels, Internet, underground networks
c) The technology is a hard topic for hotels but with the environment they will try to make more effort. The hotels use now TV on demand and the people don t use the telephone of the hotel with the new technologies.

6. Open your Market Leader book on page 19, then listen to the CD and do exercise:

1-Christina Verde first call from Madison will be in London appointment to see you see new collection Wednesday in the afternoon 2 o’clock
2- Christina Verdi she s engaged to the moment message something come up the plane meet her tomorrow

Jenifer:  I'm calling because I'll be in London next week and I would like to make an appointment   t o see you. I want to tell you about our new collection.
Cristina: Great. What they would suit you.  I'm fairly free next week, I think.
Jenifer:  How about Wednesday?, In the afternoon? Could you make it then?
Cristina: Let me look now. Let me check the diary'. Yes, that'd be no problem at all. What about 2 two o'clock? Is that OK?

Receptionist:   Thank you. I'm putting you through       Hello, I'm afraid she's engaged at the moment would you hold   or can I put you through to her voicemail?
Jennifer: Would you be able to take a message for me, please? I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Receptionist: Yes, certainly.
Jennifer: The thing is, I should be meeting Ms Verdi at 2 p.m but something comes up.  My plane was delayed, and I've got to reschedule my   appointments. If possible, I would like to meet tomorrow properly in the morning. 'Could she call me back here al the hotel, please, to confirm?
Receptionist: Certainly. What's the number?
Jennifer: It's 02078553814 and I am in room 6 11.

7. Reading: Mercedes, shining star: Open your Market Leader book on page 24 -25, then Read and do exercise A, B, C and D.

A)   Read the first two paragraphs quickly and decide if the statements are True (T) or false (F), according to the article.

1. The fall of the Mercedes luxury brand was not as severe as other brands. (F)
2. In 2002, Mercedes' losses were its first for three decades. (F)
3. In 2002, Mercedes cars were famous for their reliability. (F)
4. Dieter Zetsche is the boss of Mercedes and Daimler. (T)

B)   Find words and phrases in the first five paragraphs of the article that mean the Same as the following,
1.    Sudden and surprising: that in three years it has gone from the worst performing of the large luxury car makers to the trailblazer

2.    A period of 10 years: Decade

3.    Failing: suffered as dramatic a fall

4.    The first company to develop new methods of doing something:  Mercedes.

5.    Someone that you compete with: BMW

6.    A complete change from a bad situation to a good one: the worst performing of the large luxury car makers to the trailblazer.

7.    Ihe financial result of a company's business (i.e. profit or loss): and even more so at the 10.4 per cent it made i n the fourth quarter - compared with BMW's 5.4 per cent in the third quarter.

D)   According to the article, which of these factors helped Mercedes improve its performance?

- Mr Zetsche's walrus moustache
- Having BMW as a rival
- Using Mr Zetsche's operational experience
- Cutting jobs
- Producing new models
- Using a team approach
- price sensitivity

British English

American English.
city centre
carry-on baggage
x carry-on baggage
One way
round trip
rest room
public toilet
coach class
economy class
car park
parking lot
ground floor
first floor

ACTIVITY 2.Vocabulary and Grammar

page 7 do exercises Vocabulary A, B and C.

B) Complete these sentences with word partnerships from Exercise A

2. Consumers who always buy Sony when they need a new TV are showing loyalty

3. A fashion designer who launches his o r her own perfume is an example of leader

4. The image of Mercedes-Benz is such that its products are seen as safe, reliable, luxurious, well made and expensive.

5. George Clooney advertising Nespresso is an example of the use of a well-known person to advertise products.

6.A investigation consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

7. Tesco's wide range means that it appeals to all sectors of the UK market.

8. The use of Aston Martin cars and Sony computers in James Bond films are examples of when products are used in films or TV programmes.

9. Microsoft is the leader in computer software.

10. In countries with ageing populations, the over•60s age group is becoming an increasingly important challenger.

11. Pepsi is the second best-selling product or brand in a marketing carbonated soft drinks.

12. Focus groups and consumer surveys are ways of conducting research.

C)  Discuss these questions.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages for companies of product endorsements?

- maintain trade flows
- Create recognition
- Create loyalty

- on promotion
- upfront costs

2. How can companies create brand loyalty?

- Creating an emotional bond between the client and the product
- Flashy and offering good quality products
- listening to the customer needs
- Innovating

3. Can you give any examples of successful o r unsuccessful brand stretching?

It’s often thought that the current team is able to manage a brand stretch or brand extension without the recruitment of new marketing, insight managers etc.

However a brand extension or brand stretch can fail spectacularly because the philosophy of brand extension is not well enough understood or implemented correctly.

Probably the most well know brand extension failure is Coca cola’s ‘New Cola’ extension in 1985. Initially well received then caused a huge consumer backlash and reduced sales.

4 Think of a cheap or expensive idea for a product launch.

-Install a large TV near the cash to post offers and promotions and transfer videos with demonstrations of their products and order and publish customer testimonials on your website,

5 What other market segments can you identify (e.g. young singles).

-standard of living
-economic stratum
-geographical Aspects
-children, youth, adults

6 What action can companies take if they start to lose market share?

-Locate the source of the problem.
-Review the product or service you are selling and, consequently, make decisions, either change products, make changes, have additional products, etc
- Design a strategy of selling
- Analyzes training your salespeople, if they really fit the profile that your company requires
- Prepares real plan sales.

  Page 10, do exercises A, B and C. 
A)   Which of the time expressions below do we usually use with the present simple? Which do we usually use with the present continuous? Which are used with both?

PRESENT SIMPLE: Usually, Often, once a month, every day.

PRESENT CONTINUOS: Nowadays, now, this year, six months ago

PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOS: currently, at the moment, these day.

B)   Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

-At the moment, eBay works with brand owners to remove fake items.
-eBay now spends $20m a year analysing suspicious sales.

-Louis Vuitton usually selling its products through authentic Louis Vuitton boutiques.
 -At the moment, Louis Vuitton negotiates with Hubert de Givenchy.

-Both Apple and BlackBerry launch important new products this year.
-These days, a lot of people have a BlackBerry.

C)   Complete this text with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

The Google brand grows rapidly. According to the Millward Brown Brandz report, it holding first place in the list of top 100 brands. In fact, the IT field dominates the top-ten corporate brands. Google operating websites at many international domains, the most popular being,  and generating revenue by providing effective advertising opportunities. Google always focuses on the user, and consumers usually see Google as quite trustworthy.

Nowadays, companies begin to recognise that brands are amongst their most valuable assets. They understand that brands become ever more powerful in driving business growth. Strong brands generate superior returns and protect businesses from risk. Google currently holds the top position, but it has to keep innovating if it wants to remain number one. BlackBerry and Apple are the two fastest-growing brands in the top 100, and China Mobile grows steadily, too.

  Page 15, do exercises A, B and C.

 A) watch the words and phrases which have the same meaning.  For each pair,

decide which is British English and which is American English.

B) Work i n pairs. Use the American English words or phrases from Exercise A
to complete this text.

My last overseas business trip was a nightmare from start to finish. First of all, there was a delay on the way to the airport, as there was an accident on the freeway. I. When I got there, I found the lower level of the airport parking lot was flooded. Next, my carry-on baggage was too big and heavy, so I had to check it in.
When we arrived, the subway was closed, and there were no cabs at all.

 After a long time trying to figure out the reservation and waiting line for 40 minutes, we finally got a bus downtown and found the hotel. Then there was a problem with our room reservation   and, would you believe it, the elevator wasn't working, and our rooms were on the fifth floor.

C) Listen to the recording and check your answers to Exercise B. ok

Page 18, do exercises A and B.

A)   Complete each dialogue with the correct form of going to or will.
A. Have you decided where to hold the sales conference?
B. Yes, we will book the Emory Centre in Atlanta.

A. I can't find my passport.
B .OK, you look in your bag, and I am going to check the back seat of the car.
A. What are you planning to do in Tokyo?
B. We will meet our agent to discuss next year's advertising budget.

A. I'm afraid the flight's been cancelled.
B. I need to get there tonight. I am going take the train. I think it leaves at nine.
A. The Hertz counter is a good place to meet.
B OK, I will wait for you there.

B)   Choose the correct tense (present continuous or present simple) to complete the sentences.

1.     We are staying at the Ritz for next week's conference.
2.     According to the timetable, the coach deports from Victoria at 8:00, reaches Lille at 12:30 and arrives in Paris at 13:30.
3.    Excuse me, what time is the conference does the conference begin?
4.     What do you do on Tuesday afternoon?
5.     What time is this train getting to Osaka?
6.    Next time, I travel to Madrid by train.

Page 26, do exercises A and B.

A)   Which of the following expressions are used with the past simple and which are used with the present perfect? Which are used with both?

In 2010 past simple and present perfect
This week present perfect
Recently present perfect
Since 2009 past simple
Yesterday past simple
Last year past simple
Yet present perfect
Ever present perfect
Six months ago past simple

B)   Complete this short business brief about Vietnam using the past simple or the present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.

Vietnam has going through many changes in its history and experienced many economic changes recently. It is currently experiencing an economic boom.  In 1986, the government introduced economic reforms or doimoi.
The reforms has permitted the setting up of free market enterprises and abolished the practice of collective farm ing. However, agriculture remains the most important part of the economy. Vietnam has recently become the second largest producer of rice in the world after Thailand. The
Industrial sector showed dramatic improvement and expansion as well. In1993, the World Bank has declare 58% of the population to be living in poverty.
By 2005, this figure was less than 20%. Vietnam has also make great strides on the international stage in the last decade or so. It became a full member of ASEAN in 1995 and of the WTO in 2006. The effects of this newfound prosperity can be seen everywhere. Large, glitzy malls has appear in major cities, while streets
once filled with bicycles are now overflowing with locally produced Japanese, Korean and Chinese motorbikes and cars. Business visitors wishing to relax in a more traditional Vietnamese town should visit Hoi An. Hoi An has been a major Asian trading port in the 17th and 18th centuries, and its picturesque architecture and relaxed lifestyle changed little over the years.